Thursday, October 7, 2010

MeasureWare Agent (MWA)

MeasureWare Agent uses data source integration (DSI) technology to receive, alarm on, and log data from external data sources such as applications, databases, networks, and other operating systems.

MeasureWare Agent installs in the /opt/perf/ directory and creates its log and status files in the /var/opt/perf/ directory.

root@server1:/hroot# which mwa

Starting the agent:-

The mwa script starts MeasureWare Agent and all its processes, including the scopeux data collector, the midaemon (measurement interface daemon), the perflbd, the rep.server, the ttd and the alarm generator.

root@server1:/hroot# mwa start

The Perf Agent scope collector is being started.
         The ARM registration daemon ttd is already running.
         It will be signaled to reprocess its configuration file.

         The Performance collection daemon
         /opt/perf/bin/scopeux has been started.

         The coda daemon /opt/OV/lbin/perf/coda has been started.
         It will be fully operational in a few minutes.

The Perf Agent server daemons are being started.
         The Perf Agent Location Broker daemon
         /opt/perf/bin/perflbd has been started.

Stopping the agent:-

root@server1:/hroot# mwa stop

Shutting down Perf Agent collection software
NOTE:   The ARM registration daemon ttd will be left running.

Shutting down coda daemon
         Shutting down coda, pid(s) 7953

Shutting down the Perf Agent server daemons
         Shutting down the alarmgen process.  This may take a while
         depending upon how many monitoring systems have to be
         notified that Perf Agent Server is shutting down.

         The alarmgen process has terminated

         Shutting down the perflbd process

         The perflbd process has terminated

         The agdbserver process terminated

         The rep_server processes have terminated

         The Perf Agent Server has been shut down successfully

To start individual components:-

root@server1:/hroot# mwa restart scope

Shutting down Perf Agent collection software
NOTE:   The ARM registration daemon ttd will be left running.

The Perf Agent scope collector is being started.
         The ARM registration daemon ttd is already running.
         It will be signaled to reprocess its configuration file.

         The Performance collection daemon
         /opt/perf/bin/scopeux has been started.

root@server1:/hroot# ps -ef | grep /opt/perf/bin/scopeux
    root 21769  5322  1 10:22:16 pts/2     0:00 grep /opt/perf/bin/scopeux

But the process has not started, so have to check why it has not started.
The status of the mwa agents are recorded in the file /var/opt/perf/status.* files. Each component has its own files

root@server1:/var/opt/perf# ls
.gp                aldxc09.log        perfd              reptfile           status.perfalarm
adviser.syntax     aldxd09            perfd.ini          repthead           status.perfd-5227  vppa.env
alarmdef           app-defaults       perflbd.rc         repthist           status.perflbd
alarmdef.old       datafiles          pkey               rxitemid           status.rep_server       gkey               reptSASstd         rxshorts           status.scope
aldlog09           mwakey             reptTBL            status.alarmgen    status.ttd
aldxc09            parm               reptall            status.mi          ttd.conf

Checking the status.scope file will give us the details of why the process has not started

root@server1:/var/opt/perf# tail -f status.scope

A FILE, GROUP or USER parameter is limited to 15 characters.
A parameter was truncated.

**** /opt/perf/bin/scopeux : 09/09/10 15:11:51 ****
ERROR: Unable to read from logfile '/var/opt/perf/datafiles/logproc' - corrupted data. (PE221-24)

**** /opt/perf/bin/scopeux : 09/09/10 15:11:51 ****
COLLECTOR END. program terminated abnormally.

Action Taken:-
Move the corrupt file and restart. First stop the process

>>mwa stop
>>mv /var/opt/perf/datafiles/logproc /var/opt/perf/datafiles/logproc.bkp
>>mwa start

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